Aalya's School Report December 2008
Participates in short oral presentations on familiar topics - above expected level
Listens attentively - above expected level
Expresses ideas clearly in class discussions - above expected level
Recognises a procedure and describes the main stages - at level expected
Recognises sight words in printed text - at expected level
Hears a sequence of sounds and blends sounds to decode unknown words - at expected level
Constructs simple sentences independently - at expected level
Spells common words accurately in own writing - at expected level
Uses knowledge of letter sounds to spell unknown words - at expected level
Able to write a basic procedure - at expected level
Teacher comment: Aalya listens attentively when others are talking. She willingly answers questions in class. Aalya is an articulate student who is a role model to others. She can give a short speech with confidence and undersands the importance of appropriate body language. Aalya has developed greater confidence in her reading. She is beginning to use her knowledge of blends to decode unfamiliar words. Aalya uses great expression when reading. She has made pleasing improvements in writing. She can write simple pieces of wor independently. Aalya is beginning to develop the skills to use punctuation consistently in her written work.
Counts forwards to 30
Group and share collections of object equally
Describes features of 3D objects using everyday language expected
Estimates and measures the area of various objects
Compare lengths of various objects
Order events in school day
Tell time on the hour
Records findings using pictures and words
Uses mathematical language to explain mathematical concepts
Teacher comment: Aalya has achieved pleasing results in all areas of Mathematics. She displays a sound understanding of number concepts. Since she occasionally reverses numbers, it would be beneficial for Aalya to practise the correct formation of her numbers. She works independently and uses concrete materials to solve simple number problems. Aalya words responsibly and cooperatively in group situations. She willingly asks for assistance when needed. Aalya is developing greater confidence in being able to record her findings in both pictorial and written form.
Science and Technology
Teacher comment: Aalya enthusiastically participated in a unit of word about food. She was able to correctly organise pictures about the digestion of food in our body Aalya investigated and identified some different food groups.
Human Society and Its Environment
Teacher comment: Aalya is able to identify and classify natural and build environments. Aalya is able to orally explain the difference between both environments. She understands the importance of caring for our environment. Aalya can view pictures of various environments and discuss the activities that occur there.
Personal Development, Health and Physical Education
Teacher comment: Aalya is able to identify and discuss the physical changes that have occurred in her body since birth. She is able to name and recognise the various food groups and use this knowledge to create a healthy day menu. Aalya understands the importance of an active lifestyle both at home and at school.
Creative Arts
Teacher comment: Aalya has thoroughly enjoyed the Footsteps program this semester. She is able to copy various dance movements and displays a good understanding of rhythm. Aalya moves freely to music. She is able to follow directions during teacher directed drawing lessons.
General comment: Aalya has made pleasing progress in all areas this semester. She is a confident student who applies herself to all tasks. Aalya always displays a positive attitude towards school. She should be commended on her efforts and achievements this year. It has been an absolute pleasure teaching Aalya and I wish her all the best in Year 1.
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