Thursday, January 23, 2014

Reyvyn and Aalya playing Twister

Snuffy had a little bit of trouble
as she can't reach across.
Lots of giggles trying though.

Tuesday, January 07, 2014

Snuffy's whiteboard

From left: 
Dad, Mum, Soraya, Aalya, Auntie Dinnar and Snuffy
The ABC and 123 is already there, the rest she did herself.
Snuffy won a colouring in competition at Bunnings
AD made sure she did all the work herself and she won
a $50 voucher, so we took her shopping.
She bought the white board with crayons, a set of
twist up pencils and an activity book for each of her sisters.

Friday, January 03, 2014

Holiday bike hire at Huskisson on the South Coast NSW

Reyvyn in her Princess Carriage.

Snuffy shopping with her prize money.

Meeting a bug, and
hanging on to her
prize money.
Colouring competition
winner at Bunnings.

She chose a whiteboard,
a packet of wind up
pencils in a case and
she bought her sisters
each a puzzle book.