Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Thursday, December 08, 2011

Wednesday, December 07, 2011

7th November 2011

7th November 2011

The small one is a class award, every one in the class gets an award of some time. Then special awards are given out by the Principal and Aalya received the big one which is very exciting!! The look on her face when they called her name was brilliant.

7th December 2011

Monday, November 28, 2011

28th November 2011

'Dolly hungry' Then she said 'had nuff (enough?') 
then dropped dolly on the floor and walked away.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

27th October 2011

Soraya in the first photo in big shoes and two of Snuffy at my house. I'm not sure what the age difference is. Snuffy is just over 2 years old.

Sunday, October 02, 2011

2nd October 2011

Taken from outside the back door. Gorgeous. Two years old next week.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Saturday, September 03, 2011

Saturday, August 27, 2011

27th August 2011

Mu and AD thought it very funny to see this mannequin wearing 

a 'Dora the Explorer' hat.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

16th August 2011

Distinction in Spelling! 
If you look at the result sheet below, you will see black spots which represent Soraya's score. You can see that she has scored above average!! 

16th August 2011

16th August 2011

Soraya has done very well with her Science results.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

11 August 2011

I can build a tower all by myself. It takes me quite a while to get the 
roundish blocks where I want them!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

14th July 2011

2011 - Semester 1
Year 3 - Class 3S - Ms Sarkisian

English - Overall Achievement - Sound
Aalya can prepare and deliver a satisfactory presentation on a given topic to a wider audience. She can use strategies to locate information. Aalya can skim and scan a range of tests to locate key words, headings or subheadings. She has posed questions and made predictions about stories shared in class. Aalya can discuss how authors have a particular audience in mind when writing. She can write persuasive texts, such as expositions, using some effective language.

Mathematics - Overall Achievement
- Sound
Aalya uses an empty number line and jump strategies to represent solutions to addition. She confidently uses the equals sign to record equivalent number relationships e.g. 4 x 3 = 6 x 2. Aalya interprets information presented in a given column graph or picture graph. She can record times in hours and minutes in digital and analogue notation. Aalya can identify, compare and describe two-dimensional shapes and can explain the mental strategy used to solve a problem.

Science & Technology - Overall Achievement - Sound
This semester, Aalya has participated in a unit about energy and simple machines. She has explored various forces such as wind, electricity and gravity and the effect they have on objects. Aalya has reflected on possible sources of energy for The Iron Man and has worked in a group to make a robot. She has explored a range of simple machines such as levers, inclined planes, gears and pulleys and can identify them in her environment e.g. stairs, wheels, door hinges, clocks and cranes.

Human Society and Its Environment - Overall Achievement - Satisfactory
Aalya has participated in a unit based on sustainability. She can recognise the importance of sustainability in our school and home environment. Aalya can jointly construct a survey with the purpose of gathering information based on environmental issues. She is able to describe the management and care of different places and is aware of environmentally friendly strategies that King Park Public School uses.

Personal Development, Health and Physical Education - Overall Ach. - Sound
This semester, students have been learning about how relationships with others can enhance wellbeing. Aalya can identify features of building positive relationships and has had opportunities during group activities to develop these skills in the Bounce Back program. She has demonstrated a range of skills such as throwing and catching in moving and stationary positions during European Handball. Aalya has demonstrated cooperation and encouragement in these team games.

Creative Arts - Overall Achievement - Sound
Aalya has focused on using effective brush strokes and experimenting with colour. She has explored the colour wheel and has successfully mixed primary colours to create secondary colours such as purple, orange and green. Aalya has explored shades by adding white to create other variations of colour such as pink, lime, peach or aqua. She has demonstrated that she is successfully developing her use of brush strokes to create an effective painting.

General Comments
Aalya is a friendly and caring class member. She has demonstrated a positive attitude towards her schooling this semester. Aalya confidently participates in class discussions. She usually follows class rules and strives to achieve her personal best. Keep up the great effort, Aalya!

Saturday, July 09, 2011