Monday, March 01, 2010

Mechanical dinosaurs.

I remember these from when I was little, they used to have them at Luna Park.
You had to throw balls at each other while you were being spun around, faster and faster!!

1 March 2010

Questacon. Now the girls decided to have a go at free falling. Aalya had a couple of turns, Soraya didn't feel comfortable with it.

1st March 2010 Questacon Video

First Aalya, then Soraya giving it a try and then Mr Bruce. Watch the stairs as Aalya runs back up for another go!! Sorry I turned the camera, that's just naughty!!

1 March 2010

Questacon. The girls went on the Track Attack again and again and again!! We came back to it at the end of the day! It's a simulated roller coaster.

Zoltan told Aalya to be patient with her family for the next 2 weeks!! All messages were of a positive nature. Not quite like in the movie BIG.

We thought maybe Mu had eaten too many doritos the night before!!

1st March 2010

Mu couldn't resist the spa bath!!
Good friends, just chilling out.
Hot air balloons from the verandah, first thing in the morning.

3rd January 2010

Miss Reyvyn now 4 months old.

Horizontal rain, there's nothing quite like it. This is what Su and Soraya looked like at my front door, after school pick-up!!