Thursday, December 10, 2009

Presentation Day 2009

10 Dec 2009

Cheeky bubba!

School Report December 2009 - Aalya 1Z - Teacher Miss Val Luongo
English - Overall Achievement High
Talking and Listening - Outstanding
Reading - High
Writing - High
Aalya uses spoken and written English in a way that reflects competence and confidence. She expresses a personal point of view with clarity and expands on information during class discussions using a comment or a question. Aalya has demonstrated effective skills for writing paragraphs that describe objects or characters using good grammar and punctuation. She tried to break words into individual sounds and experiments with common letter patterns when writing new words. Aalya has made excellent progress in reading and has demonstrated that she reads for pleasure and with understanding.

Mathematics - Overall Achievement Sound
Number - Sound
Patterns and Algebra - Sound
Data - Outstanding
Measurement - Sound
Space and Geometry - High
Aalya is becoming a good mathematician! Aalya counts, orders and reads numbers up to 100 with increased confidence. She now counts forwards and backwards from a given number with improved accuracy and can independently model and describe two-digit numbers using materials to represent tens and ones. Aalya has loved participating in mathematical investigations! She has demonstrated that she has strong skills for collecting information using tally marks or symbols to help solve data investigations and can show this information on a column graph.

Science and Technology - Overall Achievement HighAalya confidently conducts a guided scientific investigation by questioning, making and testing predictions. She could give explanations to suggest how pushes and pulls can make toys move and was able to classify toys that move according to their type of movement.

Human Society and Its Environment - Overall Achievement High
Aalya enjoyed learning about traditional toys from familiar and unfamiliar cultures using literary, factual and computer based sources of information. She understands how changes in technologies over the years resulted in changes in toys that could be produced and used surveys to gather information so that popular toys from the present could be compared with those from the past.
Personal Development, Health & Physical Education - Overall Achievement High
Aalya participates in sport with enthusiasm and always gives her best! She can complete the movements required for kicking a ball straight ahead. Aalya consistently demonstrates fair play and cooperation in group situations and has impressive social skills. She identifies the effects of bullying and can talk about the skills needed to maintain and develop positive relationships.

Creative Arts - Overall Achievement Sound
Aalya has thoroughly enjoyed representing imagined characters using a range of visual artmedia and has loved designing and creating a puppet using art and craft techniques.

Other School Activities
Sport Gala Day and Athletics Carnival.

General Comment
Aalya in an intelligent, self-driven student and a model class citizen. She relates to her peers with respect and is very well liked. Aalya can independently complete work of varying degreesof difficulty within the set time. She has shown exemplary manners and an extremely helpful attitude in class, especially during tidying-up time! Aalya's thoughtful, mature attitude has been very appreciated by everyone in our class and it has been a pleasure to have had her in 1Z!

School Report December 2009 - Soraya 4/5J- Teacher Miss Jliailaty

English - Overall Achievement High
Talking and Listening - Outstanding
Reading - High
Writing - High
Soraya often contributes thoughts and ideas which are perceptive and reflect her well developed listening skills. She usually provides insightful ideas which display her mature knowledge and understanding of a topic. Soraya demonstrates the skills to make accurate inferences relating to texts read. She displays the skills to self-edit her work to try and improve the effectiveness of her writing. Soraya is learning to apply the appropriate metalanguate where possible to write a more informative text type.

Mathematics - Overall Achievement High
Number - High
Patterns and Algebra - High
Data - High
Measurement - High
Space and Geometry - High
Soraya demonstrates the skills to easily grasp new mathematical concepts taught. As a result, she has made pleasing progress this semester. Soraya can usually solve three digit algorithms involving multiplication and long division. She is encouraged to revise her solutions to avoid making unnecessary errors. Soraya is able to accurately interpret problem solving questions. As a result, she is usually able to select the appropriate number operation to assist her in solving complex problems.

Science and Technology - Overall Achievement HighThis semester students explored the topic, 'You are what you eat.' Soraya independently researched and investigated a food. She demonstrated the necessary skills to create an effective advertisement and delivered a persuasive presentation to promote this food. Soraya was able to independently categorise various foods into the correct food groups. She independently planned a nutritional menu, which considered calorie intake and the nutritional benefits.
Human Society and Its Environment - Overall Achievement High
Soraya displayed an outstanding understanding of various environmental issues and the impacts that humans have on the environment. She explored the affects of natural and man-made disasters. Using this knowledge, Soraya was able to suggest realistic solutions to minimise the impact or avert these disasters. She independently mapped continental plates and was able to explain how these interrelate with natural disasters.
Personal Development, Health & Physical Education-Overall Achievement Sound
Soraya has participated in the 'Bounce Back' social and emotional learning program. Through this she has developed strategies to help her understand, identify and respond appropriately to various forms of discrimination and harrassment. Soraya is learning to display competent skills in all areas of physical education.

Creative Arts - Overall Achievement High
Soraya enjoys taking part in all music activities and taken an active role. She has learnt a variety of different songs throughout the year and performs them with confidence. When singing and playing percussion, Soraya is able to identify a change in tempo and can keep in time. She has a very good sense of rhythm and shows a good understanding of musical symbols and concepts. Soraya appreciates that the style of music from other cultures and periods of history can be very different to our own.

Other School ActivitiesPSSA Gala Day and Athletics Carnival

General Comment
Soraya displays a good sense of humour which is appreciated by her peers. Her dedicated attitude to learning has allowed her to achieve pleasing results. Soraya likes to expand her depth of knowledge by exploring new concepts and ideas. As a result, she enjoys participating in academic tasks which are mentally stimulating. Congratulations of your hard efforts Soraya. I wish you all the best in Year 5 in 2010!