24th July 2009
Aalya, Su (and bump) and Soraya
English - Overall Sound Achievement
Talking and Listening, Reading, Writing - Sound Achievement
Aalya has made pleasing progress in Reading this semester. She attempts to self-correct when reading and to draw upon her knowledge of letter-sound relationships when reading unknown words. Aalya correctly identifies nouns, verbs and adjectives. She uses some common punctuation marks when writing. Aalya uses her knowledge of blends when writing new words. She recognises the organisational structure of a narrative and she attempts to write a basic narrative using the correct structure. Aalya speaks clearly and contributes to joint construction of texts.
Mathematics - Overall Sound Achievement
Aalya demonstrates a positive attitude to learning and applying Mathematics. She can record addition and subtraction number sentences using drawings, numerals, symbols and words. Aalya recognises names and cylinders, spheres and prisms. In Measurement, Aalya is able to tell time on the hour and half-hour on analog clocks. She easily uses language such as longer, nearer, shorter, further, left and right to describe the length and position of objects.
Science and Technology - Overall Sound Achievement
During the unit 'Seasons and Weather' Aalya observed and recorded changes in living things over the seasons and was able to identify and describe ways in which people and other living things depend upon the Earth and its environments. Aalya recognises simple computer conventions and accurately uses words associated with computers, such as space bar and shift. She accurately types sentences without assistance.Human Society and Its Environment - Overall High Achievement
Aalya identified and described ways in which people and other living things depend upon the Earth and its environments. She was also able to reflect on and identify several of the responsibilities that people have for the environment and she could point out how environmental changes affect her life and recognised that weather can have a powerful effect on people.
Personal Development, Health and Physical Education - Overall High Achievement
Aalya performs fundamental movement and manipulative skills such as throwing, catching, sprinting, hopping, jumping and landing proficiently when engaging in minor games. She has consistently displayed positive relationships with her peers by using positive talk to encourage others and by showing concern for the well-being of others during games.
Creative Arts - Overall Outstanding Achievement
Aalya participated in Art lessons this semester with passion and commitment! She greatly enjoyed experimenting with different visual art media and displayed exceptional listening skills during lessons when new art techniques were being demonstrated. As a result Aalya gained impressive skills for representing real objects through still-life drawings. You are a terrific artist, Aalya!
General comment
Aalya is a motivated student who wants to do well. She is increasingly able to complete work independently. Aalya grasps new concepts quickly. During class discussion, she shares her ideas and often makes relevant contributions. She interacts in a kind and caring manner with her classmates. Aalya is always helpful and cooperative. Her manners and behaviour are always of a high standard in class. Well done Aalya and keep up the pleasing effort!SORAYA JUNE 2009 SCHOOL REPORT
English - Overall High Achievement
Talking and Listening, Reading - High Achievement
Writing - Sound Achievement
Soraya demonstrates the skills to come up with creative ideas when writing narratives. She is learning to extend these ideas by applying literary techniques such as similies, metaphors and paragraphs to improve the standard of her work. Soraya has an excellent understanding of most punctuation skills. She thoroughly enjoys reading and this is reflected in her enthusiasm to read at every opportunity. Soraya can usually convey the intended meaning of a text, however, she is sometimes quick to form a generalisation and therefore does not correctly respond to a question. She enjoys contributing to class discussions by regularly expressing her thoughts and opinions.
Mathematics - Overall Sound Achievement
Soraya is developing strategies to assist her in solving questions relating to probability and chance. She is beginning to understand the logic and provide reasoning to justify her responses. Soraya displays a good understanding of Time. She can accurately convert between different units of measurement. At times, Soraya experiences difficulty solving complex problems which involve various steps to reach the solution. She is improving in her ability to recall basic number facts. This knowledge has assisted her in solving mental equations accurately.
Science and Technology - Overall High Achievement
Sroaya demonstrates the skills to plan and design a board game related to a novel read in class. She was able to design a unique game which conveyed a theme in a clever and interesting manner. The objective of the game was clear and purposeful. The presentation of her game catered to audience needs as it was bright and attractive. Soraya is developing the skills to explain the relationship between the symbols and equipment used in relation to the novel.
Human Society and Its Environment - Overall High Achievement
Soraya is able to list the principles of Australian democracy and what it means to be a democratic nation. She can explain the rights and responsibilities of Australian citizens. Soraya can identify how rights and responsibilities differ in other countries. She recognises how shared cultures, heritage and language have helped shape Australian identity.
Personal Development, Health and Physical Education - Overall Basic Achievement
Soraya is developing proficiency in the fundamental movement skills of throw, catch and two-handed strike. She is developing her hand and eye co-ordination which is allowing her to become more confident when batting or catching. Soraya demonstrates the skills to work co-operatively as part of a team. She is becoming more familiar with the rules of softball and is learning to apply this knowledge in the appropriate context when participating in a game.
Creative Arts - Overall Outstanding Achievement
Soraya displays an enthusiastic attitude towards music and as a result she has been able to use much of her prior knowledge to assist her in understanding new concepts taught. She demonstrates the skills to read music accurately at the beginner's level. Soraya is able to use various instruments confidently to play to a range of music. She can successfully identify the beat and rhythm of various songs. Soraya can manipulate an instrument to express the differences in rhythm. She enjoys singing along to songs from a variety of genres.
Teachers comments
Soraya is a dedicated student who tries to complete most tasks to the best of her ability. She takes pride in setting her goals and works hard by challenging herself to complete tasks to a high standard. Soraya's enthusiastic attitude to learning sometimes allows her to complete tasks quickly and she is therefore encouraged to check her work to ensure she avoids making any unnecessary errors. Soraya demonstrates excellent leadership qualities in the classroom. This is reflected in her ability to distribute tasks evenly amongst peers and take initiative when working in group. Keep up the great work, Soraya!