Saturday, November 01, 2008

Bruce and I took the girls to see the Sea Sculptures at Bondi Beach. It was quite a climb, so I decided that when we'd walked upwards for an hour we would turn around and go back to the beach for lunch of fish and chips. The girls really enjoyed the sculptures as you can see in the photographs.
Just outside the Pavillion.

Mu doing the "Mr Bruce" walk.
It's a Mu! A rare species seen in Bondi.
1) The Bush Ranger 2008 by Campbell Robertson-Swann
"Here is Ned Kelly the Bushranger"
(with Soraya enjoying the 'art')

2) The First Agreement by Anton McMurray
"Now that you are here, perhaps we can begin"
Missed number 3 somehow!
4) The Drifter by Stephen Marr
"This piece is made from a "New Age' material and represents an
immigrant arriving to bring their culture to our shore"

5) Gone by Natalie Windsor
"Red fabric has been wrapped all over the rock so you can no longer see it. The red colour makes you look at the large shape on the rocks. Even though you can't see the actual rock you know something is under the fabric and you might ask yourself "What was there before?"
7) Cold Comfort by Mark O'Ryan
"Sculpture can be fun for our minds. We all know cushions are soft and ballonos are light, but what if they are made out of metal? Sculpture can sometimes play tricks."
8) Spheres by Spohie Hoppe
"This is a big bubble around a shiny white ball which oscillates inside with the waves. The little ball glows in the dark. At night it can be seen dancing in the waves like an ocean fairy."
9) Plug-in by Sally Kidall
"These electric plugs are not permanent sculptures. They are designed to
respond to their new environment"

10) Floating Memories by John Ramsay
"The idea is that you are connected to the sea by a line whose mysteries
will unfold via the telgraphic signals of the brightly coloured fishing floats.
11) Transfiguration 'screw' V! by Mitsuo Takeuchi
"This sculpture is like a sprout growing strongly resisting the
forces of nature.
13) Underfoot by Jane Becker
"These creatures live in our drains and waste systems where people don't usually look. Yet they are strangely beautiful. I made them to remind myself that things of wonder and value exist everywhere - even inside and underneath"

14) Talisman by Jock Clutterbuck
"This is a lucky charm sculpture, a big piece of lucky jewellery which looks like it was
made in ancient times and is surrounded by a force field of curiosity"

15) Dry docks - they're shipping it in by Alexandra Byrne
"This sculpture is made from an old watertank which I changed. It looks a bit like a boat and makes me think of the drought and people who need and use water in Australia"
16) Butterfly effect by Fracois Uzan
"The world is a hurricane when it reaches you. Even small things can make big changes"

17) Sky catcher 11 by Bob Emser
"I am trying to catch the sky!"

18) Imagine by Emma Anna
"An upright standing body could replace the missing "I" to spell out 'imagine'. The work suggests that we can create anything (real or fantastical) by harnessing the power of our imagination. Therefore everyone is an artist"
19) The beginning by Ludwig Micek
"Just imagine this very special tree with very special fruit that when ripe, falls off, breaking the shells and disintegrating. Inside the stone is a face, and make up the rest of the story....
20) Every dog has it's day by Geoff Harvey
"My dog sculptures are large steel drawings made for the landscape. When I was a kid I always wanted a dog but because we lived in a flat I was never allowed to have one. Now I make hundreds of them and my house and garden has many."
21) Revelation II - Strata by Kath Podger
"Have you ever looked at a rock face? How time is layered in slanted lines and history is revealed. In this sculpture each layer is different and unique."
22) Nexus by Alex Kosmas
"A bronze tree in the shape of a boat which is anchored to the ground. This represents our connection to the natural environment"

The girls enjoyed playing in the sand while Mr Bruce went off and bought some lunch.