Monday, December 17, 2007

King Park Public School
2007 Semester Two Report
Teacher: Miss J. Rambaldini


A - Outstanding Achievement: The student has an extensive knowledge and understanding of the content and can readily apply this knowledge. In addition, the student has achieved a very high level of competence in the processes and skills and can apply these skills to new situations.
B - High Achievement: The student has a thorough knowledge and understanding of the content and a high level of competence in the processes and skills. In addition, the student is able to apply this knowledge and these skills to most situations.
C - Sound Achievement: The student has a sound knowledge and understanding of the main areas of content and has achieved an adequate level of competence in the processes and skills.
D - Basic Achievement: The student has a basic knowledge and understanding of the content and has achieved a basic level of competence in the processes and skills.
E - Limited Achievement: The student has an elementary knowledge and understanding in few areas of the content and has achieved very limited competence in some of the processes and skills.

Talking and Listening - Outstanding Achievement (2006 high)
Reading - Outstanding Achievement
Writing - High Achievement (2006 sound)

Teacher Comment - Soraya demonstrates excellent skills in answering questions during class discussions. She is an expressive, clear speaker who maintains the attention of others. Soraya rads complex texts with ease. She responds to punctuation when reading aloud. Soraya's extensive vocabulary has enabled her to excel in poetry writing. She displays a great flair in both reading and writing poetry. Her written work demonstrates greater detail and imagination. Soraya is able to identify and discuss the organisational structure of various text types covered in class. Keep up the excellent work Soraya!

Number - High Achievement (2006 sound)
Patterns and Algebra - High Achievement (2006 sound)
Data - High Achievement
Measurement - High Achievement
Space and Geometry - High Achievement (2006 sound)

Teacher Comment - Soraya has achieved pleasing results in all areas. She can estimate, measure and compare capacities and volumes. Soraya demonstrates great use of positional language to determine the location of an object. She solves multiplication and division problems independently using mental strategies and drawings. Soraya can record her findings in written form.

Teacher Comment - Soraya can follow a series of steps in order to conduct an experiment. She can observe and accurately predict the outcome of the experiment. Soraya can identify and discuss the purpose and aim of an experiment.

Soraya is able to identify the roles and responsibilities of people within the family, school and community. She displays a keen interest in Dreaming stories. Soraya is an active participant in discussions relating to Aboriginal people and their culture.

Teacher Comment - Soraya is able to discuss and identify skills needed for developing and maintaining relationships with her peers. She is developing skills is making friends. Soraya participates in all physical activities.

Teacher Comment - While drawing a still life picture, Soraya used great detail to create an excellent piece of work. She takes an active role in discussing the artworks of particular artists. Soraya can use a variety of materials to creat real and imaginary artworks.

Social Development (Rarely, Sometimes or Usually)
Works cooperatively - usually
Follows instructions - usually
Respects school rules - usually
Displays appropriate behaviour - usually

Commitment To Learning
Completes tasks in class - usually
Displays a positive attitude to learning - usually
Displays school values - usually
Ask for help when needed - usually

Days Absent: 14

General Comment
Soraya is an articulate and curious student. She is always eager to learn new concepts. Her curious nature and positive attitude towards various topics are special qualities that have been enjoyed by all. Soraya has achieved pleasing results in all areas this semester. She is a self reliant class member who willingly accepts positions of responsibility within the classrom. It has been an absolute pleasure teaching Soraya and I wish her all the very best in her future endeavours.
Principal's Award sticker with comment - You are very very clever!!!

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

By Soraya: "A friend is someone who does not talk about you as you walk past".
The girl walking past (right) is saying "Hi Kim"
The girl on the left is saying "she is fat"

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Aalya in the car wanted to play I spy. Here's how she thinks it goes...."I spy with my little eyes something amazing with T"

Soraya performed at her school concert. Tie me kangaroo down sport....very Aussie!

Friday, August 24, 2007

Portraits done at pre-school
Aalya 4 years 5 months
Soraya 7 years 7 months

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Hey Grandma and Grandpa - look what I got!!


I was invited to Angela's fourth birthday party at Lollipops Playland. Angela is my friend from pre-school.


Assessment of Achievement

A- Outstanding Achievement: The student has an extensive knowledge and understanding of the content and can readily apply this knowledge. In addition, the student has achieved a very high level of competence in the processes and skills and can apply these skills to new situations.
B- High Achievement: The student has a thorough knowledge and understanding of the content and a high level of competence in the processes and skills. In addition, the student is able to apply thisknowledge and these skills to most situations.
C- Sound Achievement: The student has a sound knowledge and understanding of the main areas of content and has achieved an adequate level of competence in the processes and skills.
D- Basic Achievement: The student has a basic knowledge and understanding of the content and has achieved a basic level of competence in the processes and skills.
E- Limited Achievement: The student has an elementary knowledge and understanding in few areas of the content and has achieved very limited competence in some of the processes and skills.

English - Overall Achievement - Outstanding Achievement
Talking and Listening - Outstanding Achievement
Reading - Outstanding Achievement
Writing - High Achievement

Teacher comment - Soraya is able to follow a series of instructions to complete a task. She communicates effectively with a range of people on various topics. Soraya displays a passion for reading. She reads more complex texts with great understanding. Soraya is able to confidently interpret and discuss texts and other materials. She is able to plan and edit her written work independently. Soraya demonstrates good knowledge of grammar and spelling in her writing. Keep up the good work Soraya!

Mathematics - Overall Achievement - High Achievement
Number - High Achievement
Patterns and Algebra - Sound Achievement
Data - High Achievement
Measurement - High Achievement
Space and Geometry - Sound Achievement

Teacher comment - Soraya can link mathematical ideas and use mathematical language to explain how an answer was obtained. She is able to solve number problems by using mental strategies, diagrams and symbols. Soraya can tell the time of the half-hour and quarter to. She is able to divide a collection of objects into halves and quarters. Soraya can name and sort 3D objects.

Science and Technology - Overall Achievement - High Achievement

Teacher Comment - Soraya is able to discuss and identify ways in which living things grow and change. She can illustrate and label the various stages in the life cycle of an insect.

Human Society and It's Environment - Overall Achievement - Sound Achievement

Teacher Comment - Soraya can recount an important family celebration. She is able to explain why a personal or family event is significant. Soraya shows an interest in learning about different cultural traditions and customs.

Personal Development, Health and Physical Education - Overall Achievement -Sound Achievement

Teacher Comment - Soraya participates in sports and games. She demonstrates fair play and co-operation in groups. Soraya can identify and discuss ways to keep safe near the water. SHe is able to describe ways to keep healthy.

Creative Arts - Overall Achievement - Sound Achievement

Teacher Comment - Soraya enjoys performing dances. She has an understanding of body movement and expression. Soraya creates artworks using a range of techniques and materials.

Other school activities involved in:
Swimming scheme and Cross country run.

Social Development R=rarely S=sometimes U=usually
Works co-operatively U
Follow instruction U
Respects school rules U
Displays appropriate behaviour U

Commitment to Learning
Completes tasks in class U
Displays a positive attitude to learning U
Demonstrates school values U
Asks for help when needed U

General Comment - Soraya is a confident and bubbly class member. Her extensive general knowledge is a valued asset to the class. Soraya's inquisitive nature generates meaningful and worthwhile discussions. She interacts well with her peers. Soraya displays good leadership qualities especially during group work activities. She has achieved pleasing results this semester. Well done, Soraya!

Days absent: 2

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Thursday, June 07, 2007

5th June 2007
Mu is starting to pronounce her letters with more clarity. She can now say 'y' as in yo-yo. As she's been saying lellow for a while, I've been encouraging her to say 'yellow' and she is very proud that she can now say it, and said to me "Auntie Dinnar, I can now say yellow plopperly."

22nd May 2007
Mu saw some birds with long legs (can't think what they really are) outside her pre-school and said "that looks just like a menu". Took me a while to figure out she meant an emu. What a crack-up! Oh, and we don't have emus that close to pre-school.

29th March 2007
I asked Soraya what she did before the school bell in the morning.
Oh, she said I just talk to the parents.
Oh, what about your friends? I said.
I have no friends.
Why not? I said.
Because I'm a sanguine.

20th March 2007
AD: Soraya, would you like some pink yogurt?
Soraya: No, thanks. I only eat Amway yogurt that we make ourself.
AD: Oh, really, you don't eat this. (Showing her with the spoon).
Soraya (quickly changing mind): Oh, I'll have one of those.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Thursday, January 18, 2007

15th January 2007
Mr Bruce turned 50 so we went to the club with Lauren, Michael and Aalya. Lauren asked Aalya where she got her beautiful dress. Aalya said "my wardrobe".
6th January 2007
Aalya was looking at a picture on a packet of pull-up nappies. There was a picture of a child. She asked me if he was wearing pyjamas, and then she said "no, I think he's wearing his wake-up clothes."
December 2006

At the end of year presentation, Soraya received an award for Excellence in Reading.

Aalya graduated to the Whales Room after being in the Dolphin's Room. Children in the Whales Room don't wear nappies, there she's a big girl.

Pretty good to get a certificate to an event you didn't end up going to!

The "kids" Andrew, Aalya and Soraya watching a movie - Land Before Time.